No Time refers to a couple of things. One, we have done so many interesting things in the past week, had so many new experiences, seen new places and new things, there hasn't been enough time to put it all down. Besides, we haven't had good internet or phone for ten days or so. So, there hasn't been time to write about our travels and experiences.
Also, not always being plugged in to electricity, such as when you stay at Big Bend National Park in the regular campground, or when you are on the road traveling from Big Bend to Davis Mountain State Park, or to El Paso, Texas; when you are staying in a Wal-Mart parking lot in El Paso, or when you are driving from El Paso to Bisbee, Arizona, the clock on your microwave oven just says "0" instead of the time.
Even though you have a watch and a smart phone, which easily tell you the time, while you are sitting and eating a meal, your tendency is to look at the clock on the microwave. (You have already taken your watch off, and your phone is being a charged.) And it just says "0". Which maybe is a metaphor for the fact that we haven't had a lot of leisure time. Which is not the same as saying we aren't having fun, because we are having a great time!
The fun we have had since I last wrote on this blog post includes:
Staying at Davis Mountain State Park
Indian Lodge at Davis Mountain State Park |
Visiting and touring McDonald Observatory
Driving to El Paso
Driving to Bisbee, Arizona
Watching the Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw
Something else that has kept me busy is the e-bird January Challenge of submitting a bird list for each and every day of the month of January. Today is the last day and I have done it! I am really proud of myself for sticking to this commitment. I have learned a lot of new birds, and taken the time and effort to identify almost all of the birds I saw. I took a lot of pictures, too.
Ringed Kingfisher |
Black-throated sparrow |
Bluebird |
Canyon Towhee |
Kestrel |
Chihuahuan Raven |
Great Blue Heron |
It has been a lot of fun for both of us. We continue to meet really nice, interesting people who are happy to share their knowledge and experiences. It is such an amazing journey that we are on, and we are grateful.
We hope that your journeys take you to some interesting places and times, too. And we hope you will be able to share your stories with us sometime in the future.
--- Mari